Local Coordinator Nina, of upstate New York, is constantly impressed by her host families and au pairs. One of her host families, the Hubbards, recently traveled to Ecuador to visit both their outgoing and incoming au pairs. This story is more common than you think-...
Polish au pair Aleksandra, 20 years old, is the ideal example of making the most of her time in the USA. Aleksandra arrived in Washington DC as an au pair 1.5 years ago and since then she’s taught her host kids Polish, traveled all over...
The Turners, of Scarsdale, NY, adore the unique cultural experience that Brazilian au pair Evelyn has introduced into their home. From teaching Spanish to South American geography lessons, the impact Evelyn has had on her host kids is undeniable. In fact, au pair Evelyn was...
Meet Our 2017 Super Au Pair, Tati! After searching far and wide, we’re thrilled to announce the 2017 Super Au Pair: Tatiana Soto from Costa Rica! Tatiana, or Tati, lives in Encinitas near San Diego, California with the Juarez family. She cares for three adorable...
Our au pairs love their host moms for so many reasons! By just being there every day, these host moms have provided their au pairs with friendship, help, advice, inspiration, and love. They’ve helped to turn new cities into homes, and have formed lifelong bonds...
Educational Requirements As part of the J-1 Cultural Exchange Visa program, au pairs must complete 6 Credit Hours (or 60 contact hours) of classes to receive their completion certificate for the program. It is a valuable way for au pairs to get out into their...
With summer around the corner, it’s a good time for au pairs and host families to discuss keeping kids safe during the summer months. Here are a few tips from the Local Coordinators in Atlanta, Raleigh, Chapel Hill, Charlotte, Baltimore, and Northern VA. We encourage...
Cynthia: The West Coast We asked 3 au pairs to tell us about their favorite place in the U.S. Here’s what Cynthia, Aurelie, and Danielle had to say about the places they loved visiting the most! Cynthia, from Hungary, had an amazing trip with friends...
The holiday season is upon us! While we realize that many of you celebrate plenty of the same holidays at home, you may or may not be used to the amount of excitement that permeates American life between approximately mid-September to mid-January. This is a...
Communication is the key to any relationship. The more each party communicates the easier a relationship becomes. This does not waiver in the au pair/host family relationship or in their relationship with their Local Coordinator. Host Family and Au Pair Monthly Contacts Every month the...