Advice for Au Pairs Program Resources

Emergency Preparedness: A Safety Guide for Au Pairs in the USA

When you’re an au pair living in a foreign country, it’s important to be familiar with what type of emergencies you could be faced with and how to respond, just in case you find yourself in a dangerous situation. Asking your host family questions about emergency preparedness during the interview process is a great place to start. Here are some additional things to consider when preparing for possible emergencies during your au pair program year in the U.S.

Types of Emergencies to Prepare for

Since the U.S. is such a large country with vast geographical differences, natural threats can vary by region. For example, hurricanes often occur in Florida, but not typically in Arizona. Earthquakes are more common in California than in New Jersey. Doing a little research on weather-related events in the area you’re living in can help you feel more secure and prepared for possible dangerous events. You can also reference and bookmark websites like Disaster Types, National Hurricane Center and National Weather Service

Preparing for an Emergency

Your host family will likely have an emergency plan they will share with you. Be sure to ask about this during your interview or upon arrival. Information you’ll want to know about include where are the family emergency meeting points, what are the communication protocols, and who is on the emergency contact list if your host parents can’t be reached or you need further support. It’s also a good idea to have an emergency kit somewhere easily accessible with supplies like a First Aid kit, water, non-perishable foods, flashlights, and batteries. Many people keep a kit like this at home and in their cars. 

First Aid kits can be extremely helpful in emergency situations.

Who to Call in an Emergency

If a medical, fire, or car accident emergency occurs, dial 911 first. This alerts the police, fire department, and/or an ambulance if needed. The operator will ask you questions about the emergency. Try to remain calm and speak clearly. The faster you are able to explain the situation, the sooner help will be on their way.

Child Safety During Emergencies

You may be caring for the children during an emergency situation. Your main role will be to keep everyone safe and calm, as well as alerting the appropriate people. A good way to prepare for possible emergencies is to talk about it with kids and practice simulated situations. For example, “What do we do first if we smell smoke at home?” Or, “What number do we dial if there were ever an emergency at home?”

When au pair Carla experienced a house fire with her host family just a couple months after her arrival, she was able to quickly and efficiently get out of the house and take her host children to a neighbor’s home while her host parents contacted the fire department. Although the situation was very stressful, Carla remained calm and managed the kids’ safety as her top priority.

Emergency Checklists and Resources

Having an emergency checklist can be very helpful in moments of panic. Emergencies tend to happen when you least expect them, and your mind can feel overwhelmed in those moments. A checklist can easily bring organization to the chaos and keep you focused on the necessary actions to take. This can be a list that’s kept somewhere in the home where anyone can access it or something you carry around in your wallet or both. It can include steps to take, emergency contacts, and supplies you may want to grab if time allows. Resources that review CPR and First Aid steps can also be beneficial to refresh your memory of what to do in situations where you may need to act as the first responder before medical professionals arrive on the scene.

Thinking about possible emergencies can cause anxiety or stress, so don’t forget to take care of your mental health daily. Being prepared just in case an emergency strikes is a way to calm nervousness and help you feel more at ease in the event of an emergency. Through open communication with your host family, emergency preparedness when it comes to a plan of action and easily accessible supplies, and your own knowledge and understanding, you can rest assured that you will be able to handle an emergency situation if you’re faced with one. 

Au Pair USA’s main priority is the health, safety, and well being of our au pairs and host families. Local Coordinators are available to assist with any questions or support you may need when it comes to emergency preparedness. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to your Local Coordinator with any questions or concerns you may have when it comes to emergencies. Don’t forget, there is also the emergency line that is available 24/7 during your au pair program year. Wishing you a safe and happy au pair experience!

Marisa Lonic

Marisa is a lover of all things cultural exchange. She and her family have hosted au pairs from Brazil, Germany, Colombia, Spain, and Ecuador. As a mom of four and the founder of Mama Work It, she helps working moms juggle mom life, work life, spouse life, fill in the blank life through her books, courses and coaching programs.
