Any au pair would probably feel a little nervous about joining a family with five kids. But for Carla, a 26-year-old au pair from Mexico, those fears didn’t last long. From the interview process with the Sharkey family in March 2023, Carla knew right away that this would be an incredible match. The conversation flowed nicely. They were funny and positive, and they had so much in common, including skiing, running, and musical theatre.

Joining a “quilted family” as host dad Mike Sharkey puts it, Carla rose to the challenge. Not only had this family blended five children together after the deaths of a biological mom and dad, but they’d only begun living together 20 days prior to Carla’s arrival after Mike and Marisa got married. Carla’s initial nerves of moving abroad and taking care of five kids escaped quickly though, as the Sharkeys made her immediately feel comfortable and welcome.
Shortly after settling in, devastation occurred in the form of a house fire. The Sharkeys had just completed a home renovation and moved into their dream house. They were eager to begin this next chapter of their lives as one family unit, Carla included. During dinner one evening, the family heard noises by the chimney, but thought nothing of it. They enjoyed their meal and conversation as usual, laughing and chatting about their day. After dinner, Carla started making lunches for the next day, while some of the kids were getting ready for bed. A neighbor knocked on the door and told them the chimney was on fire! Carla quickly got the kids and dog out of the house. She was the calming force in a time of chaos, running after the Sharkey’s son who wanted to return to the home after evacuating and wiping tears from others who sat filled with fear. Even though Carla was scared too (fire is her biggest fear even before this happened), she was able to step up as a caregiver and support system to the Sharkey kids during this critical time. Carla credits her ability to be so strong to her host parents, who are a constant positive force no matter what the circumstances. She recalls host dad Mike telling the visibly upset children that night, “If there’s a family that knows how to pivot, it’s us.”
The weeks that followed were probably the most challenging for au pair Carla. She was responsible for helping move six people’s belongings into temporary housing. The stress and anxiety of making sure she didn’t forget anything for herself or her host kids was tough. She remembers packing a box for everyone during that week, while the host parents handled all the necessary steps with insurance, a temporary home, etc. “It was around the holidays, so I was feeling pretty down. We did it as a team and as a family, so it went by quickly”, Carla recalls.
While the home fire and aftermath may have been a bump in the road, Carla’s au pair experience with the Sharkeys has presented many happy memories and experiences. With all their commonalities, they’ve enjoyed skiing together in the Colorado mountains and running together on Saturday mornings as a family. Host dad Mike has even helped Carla train for two marathons since her arrival in 2023.

Perhaps the most memorable of Carla’s experiences with the Sharkeys, however, has been being present for the cross adoption of the children. In summer 2024, Mike and Marisa cross-adopted each other’s children. “I never thought I’d experience it in the U.S. or anywhere. It was a unique experience”, Carla recalls. “The priest was there and the grandparents. When they made it official and hugged, it was a very sweet moment.”

Carla’s two-year au pair program will be coming to an end in July 2025. While this departure will certainly be a sad one, Carla and the Sharkeys will most certainly remain family for life. Experiences like a home fire may be hard in the moment, but they also strengthen relationships like no other.
“This program is amazing. It gives you the chance to explore and connect, but the Sharkeys have made it a lot more special for me.”
Thank you, Carla for sharing your story and for being Au Pair USA’s 2024 Super Au Pair!