With more and more families sending their children to preschool programs at as early as two years old, it’s evident that building a strong educational foundation is important for American parents. In fact, according to an article by Giving Compass this year, “economic research examining the return on investment for early education suggests tremendous value ranging from $4 to $13 in return for every $1 spent…”
But did you ever consider the benefits of an au pair when it comes to the education of your children?
Au Pair Education Requirements

All au pairs accepted into the au pair program have a minimum of a high school diploma. Many of Au Pair USA’s candidates have either graduated from college or are in the process of completing their college education as well. Additionally, all au pairs are interviewed in person in English to ensure their communication and comprehension levels are, at minimum, conversational and appropriate for the au pair program.
Some au pairs even come from a career focused on education, having been daycare providers, schoolteachers, or even college students majoring in childhood education. These experiences can be viewed on an au pair’s profile before you even interview them, providing even more insight regarding their background on topics like learning and teaching.
The benefits of Au Pair USA’s rigorous screening process and detailed au pair profiles allow parents to feel comfortable and confident in choosing a childcare provider that not only feels safe and secure, but also matches the experience and interests they’re searching for.
Homework & Tutoring Support

While au pairs are not necessarily full-fledged tutors, one of their main childcare responsibilities is to help children with their homework. For a working parent, this is often a welcomed support as kids (and parents) are typically tired in the evening hours and thus demotivated to begin homework after dinner, when a parent can usually find the time to help them. An au pair tutor can pick up your children from school, prepare a healthy snack for them at home, and complete the homework routine all before you even finish work for the day. Imagine coming home to quality time with your kiddos that doesn’t include worksheets and reports!
Bilingualism at Home

Another of the au pair benefits you may not have considered when it comes to au pairs is that most of them speak a language other than English. What if your baby or toddler could learn to communicate in two languages rather than just one? According to the U.S. Department of Education, research has found that individuals who are bilingual have an easier time understanding math concepts, solving word problems, developing strong thinking skills, and focusing, remembering, and making decisions.
When you host an au pair, these bilingual benefits show up everyday via hearing vocabulary words, singing songs, playing games, and reading books all in a second language.
Global Perspective

Au Pair USA welcomes au pairs from over 25 countries, which means there are opportunities to experience and learn about dozens of new and unique cultures. It’s not uncommon for au pairs to cook your family a traditional dish from their home country or introduce a new holiday or tradition to your home. Not only will your children benefit from learning about a new country and culture, you will too!
If you want to welcome an au pair into your home, Au Pair USA is here to help! With over 30 years of experience successfully matching American host families with international au pairs from around the globe, we can’t wait to help you get started! Apply for free and let’s help you meet your new au pair!