Original post by: Thais Dybax Brazilian au pair Thais has an unusual hidden talent… she’s a self-published author of a children’s book! With an undergraduate degree in design, Thais, age 25, has always had a creative mind. While on program with her host family outside of...
Simone, from South Africa, didn’t originally plan on joining the au pair program. After becoming a teacher, Simone figured her desire to travel would be fulfilled at some unknown time in the future. However, someone very special convinced her to change her mind – her...
Local Coordinator Nina, of upstate New York, is constantly impressed by her host families and au pairs. One of her host families, the Hubbards, recently traveled to Ecuador to visit both their outgoing and incoming au pairs. This story is more common than you think-...
The Turners, of Scarsdale, NY, adore the unique cultural experience that Brazilian au pair Evelyn has introduced into their home. From teaching Spanish to South American geography lessons, the impact Evelyn has had on her host kids is undeniable. In fact, au pair Evelyn was...
Au pair poses with host mother at an amusement park
Our au pairs love their host moms for so many reasons! By just being there every day, these host moms have provided their au pairs with friendship, help, advice, inspiration, and love. They’ve helped to turn new cities into homes, and have formed lifelong bonds...
Cultural Exchange

Fourth of July

Updated: July 1st, 2020 The Fourth of July is considered the nation’s birthday and every year it’s a big party, minus the gifts! July 4th, 1776 is the day that the US Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence. You will see lots of American...