Finding great childcare that meets all your needs can be a challenge. Au pairs are a top choice for families because they offer so much more than just a flexible schedule. Here are a few top reasons to consider hosting an au pair.

- Au pairs become part of your family. The term au pair means ‘on par’ in French. This reflects the type of relationship au pairs have with their host family: one of equal partnership and mutual care and respect. It’s common for au pairs to take on the role of a big sister or big brother to their host children, becoming role models who love them unconditionally. While a teacher or nanny can grow attached to your child, an au pair’s bond with them is often deeper and more unique.
- Au pairs share their culture. As au pairs come from all over the world, it’s inevitable they will expose your children and your family to new cultures, languages, and traditions. Don’t be surprised if your toddler becomes bilingual or your children go to school telling their friends about new holidays and customs they learned about. Opening up your children to cultural exchange from inside your home is an excellent way to indirectly teach them about the world without having to travel anywhere.
Our children are learning so much, including how to speak Spanish, learning how to sing in Spanish, and working on those dance moves too.
The Vanderlaan family about their au pair Andrea
- Au pair bonds are long lasting. Even though au pairs typically stay one to two years, the relationships formed between au pair and host family can last a lifetime. It’s not uncommon for au pairs to come back and visit their host families or for families to travel across the world to attend au pair weddings years after they’ve left the program. The bond between au pair and host family is truly beautiful and unique.
- Au pairs know you well. When you host an au pair, they get to know you on a deeper level, understanding you and your children often better than even your closest friends. The ability for someone to know your family at this level can be incredibly helpful when it comes time to make big decisions, like which preschool to choose or when your little one is ready for a new challenge.
Our children absolutely love her. Our house is happy. Our kids have stability. And all of that is due to what she brings to the home, what she brings to the kids, and how she has let us live our lives, show up for our patients and be the parents we want to be.
The Slovis family about their au pair Dhamar
If you’re considering a childcare solution that will not only solve your schedule, cost, and experience criteria, but also provide your family with the added bonuses only an au pair can provide, Au Pair USA can’t wait to help you get started on your hosting journey. Contact us here to get started!