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Having an au pair is a wonderful experience any time of year but can be particularly helpful during the unpredictable summer months. School is out, trips have been planned, the kids are off to camp… there’s a lot going on! Your au pair will be the ideal source of consistency for your children and will make sure they fully embrace these long, warm days. Here are a few ways your au pair will lend a helping hand this summer.
Enforce Summer Schedules
Without the regular cadence of school schedules, your household can feel pulled in a million directions. While the kids may have more free time on their hands, you still need to report to work every day. Your au pair will be an invaluable partner in making sure that your kids get to where they need to go, complete their summer reading list, and stay on task.
“Bianca does not shy away from the girls’ creative tendencies and is able to redirect them to appropriate projects. She has the energy to keep up with their sports and their schedules, and most importantly, to keep them on task.”
-The Grossi Family with au pair Bianca
Get Outdoors
One of the best parts of this time of year is enjoying the great outdoors. Not only is being outside beneficial for your kids’ health, but it also burns off all of their crazy energy! Your au pair can spend plenty of time playing with the kids while also keeping them safe, hydrated, and protected from the sun.
“Lisa finds natural opportunities to encourage curiosity and learning while exploring surroundings at a park or on a walk. She enjoys spending time out and about with the kids, and often takes the kids outside for fresh air and outdoor play, to the library for story time, or to a neighbor’s house for a playdate.”
-The Woldeit Family with au pair Lisa
Encourage Cultural Exchange
Without so much homework looming, summer is the perfect time to dig into cultural exchange. Ask your au pair to create cultural activities for your kids, like arts and crafts, cooking, or language learning. This will keep their little minds sharp for the next school year!
“Misaki has fulfilled her promise of sharing her Japanese heritage and culture with Amilea. Twice a week, they stop by the Asian public library to check out Japanese books to bring home. Misaki has story time with Amilea and recites it all back to her in Japanese.”
-The Lau Family with au pair Misaki
Assist with Child-Related Chores
Spending more time at home means your living room may not be as pristine as usual, and this is where your au pair comes in! Your au pair can assist with a variety of household tasks including doing the children’s laundry, keeping the play area organized, and making sure that your little ones check off their own chore list. If you ever have a question about what household tasks your au pair can do, check out this blog or ask your Local Coordinator.
“Richard is very organized and prepares the boys’ breakfast, lunch, and dinner Monday to Friday. We never have to worry about them being late for anything. He takes care of their laundry and bedding weekly too, which is a big help for us.”
-The Vetere Family with au pair Richard
We know this summer with your au pair will be one to remember!