When you’re an au pair living in a foreign country, it’s important to be familiar with what type of emergencies you could be faced with and how to respond, just in case you find yourself in a dangerous situation. Asking your host family questions about...
When parents, Laura and Dan Johnson, decided an au pair might be the right childcare solution for their family of five in the summer of 2024, they immediately got to work perusing Au Pair USA’s database of au pairs. They wondered who would be the...
It’s no secret a big reason au pairs decide to join the program is the ability to travel and live abroad. With ten paid vacation days offered as part of the au pair agreement, most au pairs take full advantage of travel opportunities during their...
As an au pair, you’re at a prime age to be thinking about your future career. You may have plans after the au pair program to return home and begin (or continue) university studies. You may already be a university graduate while on the au...
Twenty-year-old Charika, also known as Rika, knew the Swerlands were the right family for her from the getgo. Although it was the first family Rika interviewed with, she felt there was a great vibe between them. After just two days of interviews, they had matched....
Want to get to know our amazing au pairs here at Au Pair USA? This week we’re bringing you an interview we had with au pair Aline (24). Aline shares all about her au pair experience, from the easy YES of matching with her host...
Summer is here! As an au pair, you may be thinking about using some of your vacation days during the summer season. Here are some of our favorite summer destinations to give you ideas of where to go and what to do! 1. Outer Banks,...
When you decide to become an au pair in the U.S., you may already have an idea of where you’d like to live. Maybe you’re fantasizing about the crowded streets and high energy of New York or dreaming of the sunny weather and beautiful beaches...
Isa Mik, a 21-year-old au pair from the Netherlands, didn’t know where the au pair experience would bring her, but she did know she wasn’t willing to just wait around and see. Isa has always been adventurous and authentic as a person and when she...
When Fatima first arrived in the U.S. in August 2022, she had no idea how much the Au Pair program would test her resilience and strength. After two matches with families that were not the right fit in her first year, she wasn’t sure remaining...