Image courtesy of the Steele-McCafferty Family
It’s no secret that the au pair program promotes foreign language learning, but sometimes the common phrases used by au pair agencies can seem like a new language too!
Here’s your quick guide to the most common words and phrases from the au pair program.
Au Pair
A young adult from outside of the U.S. who comes and lives with an American family and cares for their children.
Au Pair Stipend
The money an au pair receives in exchange for their childcare services. The weekly au pair stipend is paid directly to the au pair.
The group of host families and au pairs that a Local Coordinator supports in a local community.
Departure Date
The date an au pair returns to their home country.
DS-2019 Form
The form issued by InterExchange Au Pair USA that allows an au pair to apply for a J-1 au pair visa. The form displays the dates of the au pair’s program duration.
Education Stipend
The money a host family must contribute to their au pair’s required academic courses.
Extension Program
Au pairs may apply for a one-time program extension for an additional 6, 9, or 12 months and can stay with their current host family or find a new one.
Host Family
An American family who welcomes an au pair into their home and treats them as an equal member of the household.
In-Home Orientation
A meeting in the host family’s home between the host family, au pair, and Local Coordinator within two weeks of the au pair’s arrival.
Au Pair USA’s non-profit, parent organization.
J-1 Visa
The cultural exchange visa that au pairs obtain to participate in the U.S au pair program.
Local Coordinator
An Au Pair USA employee who lives in the community and actively supports host families and au pairs throughout their program year.
The application review and interview process through which host families and au pairs get to know each and mutually agree to match together.
Placement Specialist
The ultimate matching expert who helps support host families and au pairs to find each other.
Program Advisor
Educates new host families about the au pair program and helps them get started.
Program Year
The time that an au pair is in the U.S. with their host family.
Regional Supervisor
An additional point of contact who works closely with Local Coordinators to provide support to host families and au pairs.