As a mom, most days feel like a marathon to get everything done. At the end of the day, just when you think you can get some well-deserved rest and relaxation, there’s laundry to do, school bags to pack, toys to tidy up, etc. Although Mother’s Day is usually a day when moms can take an actual break from the day-to-day tasks and responsibilities, when Monday comes around, they’re right there waiting for us as we get back into the grind. This Mother’s Day, instead of asking for a fleeting gift like an afternoon at the spa or a stress reducing aromatherapy candle that works to soothe your nerves for a few minutes at the end of a chaotic day, why not get the help and support you actually need to live a more balanced and calm life? Why not decide to host an au pair?

Here are some of the benefits you can expect when hosting an au pair:
- The flexible schedule. Au pairs are able to work up to 45 hours per week and up to 10 hours per day. You can easily tweak your schedule to fit in a date night or even manage a disruption in schedule if your child needs to stay home from school.
- The extra help. Au pair responsibilities include all things that have to do with caring for your children, including tidying their rooms and doing their laundry. No more nights and weekends spent folding itty bitty onesies or searching for mismatched socks while you try to juggle answering work emails and making dinner. Score!
- The unpredictability. When it rains, it pours! You’ve got a big meeting for work today, one you’ve been preparing for for weeks. But you notice that your toddler feels a little warm. Sure enough, they’ve got a fever of 100.8. Not enough to be a big concern yet, but high enough to keep you and them home for the day. Sure you can work from home, but someone still needs to take care of the kiddo so you can focus. When you have an au pair living with you, these types of problems are already solved!
- The relationship. While you may love your daycare provider or nanny, there’s a pretty formal business relationship there. Chances are those individuals aren’t showing up for your kid’s soccer game or coming over to celebrate their birthdays. When you host an au pair, you open up your home and your heart to someone who often becomes an extended family member. Many host families have kept in touch and even attended their former au pairs’ weddings!
- The cultural learning. Living in the USA, we often encounter various cultures and languages, but having that culture right in your own home can be a real treat! Imagine your two-year-old hearing both French and English every day or your seven-year-old learning about Japanese culture from someone from the country. These are invaluable teaching moments that your au pair could be doing during their time with your children.

If you’re ready to receive the gift that keeps on giving, why not apply to host an au pair this year? A day of relaxation is certainly a nice gesture, but how about a year of peace of mind, and reliable and flexible childcare? (Or longer – au pairs can extend their stay up to two years!) If you’re ready to get started, apply here to host an au pair with Au Pair USA.