This post was originally published in January 2020 and revised in April 2024 by other contributors

Image courtesy of Luis
The traditional concept of an au pair closely resembles Mary Poppins swooping in on her umbrella with a spoonful of sugar. However, the times are changin’ and with today’s active, always-on-the-go lifestyle, male au pairs, or ‘BroPairs’, are becoming a popular option. Obviously, every au pair is different, but based on observations from our host families and Local Coordinators, here are five reasons you should consider hosting a male au pair.
1. Male au pairs are highly motivated.
We’ve found that young men who apply to the Au Pair USA au pair program are very passionate about becoming an au pair. Male au pairs are not as common as female au pairs, which means that the BroPairs who walk through our door really love working with children and tend to stand out as being excellent childcare providers. Male au pairs often hold themselves to a very high standard because they know what they’re doing is a less popular option, and they like to prove how excellent they are at the job.

Image courtesy of Lynne Ainge
2. Male au pairs are responsible adults, but can be playful like kids as well.
Male au pairs are usually full of energy, and they love to get outside and play. If you have little ones who never seem to stop moving, a BroPair could be a great fit for your family. Male au pairs will demonstrate how to play safely so that your kids can have fun adventures, and you don’t have to worry about their well-being.
3. Male au pairs add a male dynamic to the home.
The maternal presence that a female au pair provides is wonderful and the flipside of that is the brotherly or paternal balance that a male au pair can introduce into your home. Male au pairs are great for any family that is looking for a male role model for their kids, whether you have all girls, all boys, or a mixed bunch. We’ve found that single moms often appreciate having a constant male presence for their kids to learn from. Male au pairs usually relate to the children as a big brother, hence the term ‘BroPair’!

Image courtesy of Gustavo
4. Male au pairs are used to groups of kids.
Most male au pairs have worked as a coach, camp counselor, or similar role, so they have work experience with large groups of children. This is especially good news for parents who are balancing the personalities of more than one child. Your BroPair will be able to navigate a group situation with ease—in fact, it may give him even more energy.
5. Male au pairs are laid-back.
BroPairs like to get the job done while having fun at the same time. This can mean anything from playing with Barbies to playing baseball—they don’t mind either way! Male au pairs usually take direction quickly and are open to trying new methods of working with your kids according to your instruction. They jump headfirst into their new environment with gusto.
If you’re thinking a male au pair might be the best fit for your childcare needs, we’d love to help! Au Pair USA has been welcoming au pairs from 25 countries and successfully matching them with American host families for over 30 years. Apply today-your BroPair awaits!