Communication: The Key to Au Pair Program Monthly Contacts

Image courtesy of au pair Aline

This post was originally published in July 2015 and revised in March 2025 by other contributors.

Communication is the key to any relationship. The more each party communicates the easier a relationship becomes. This does not waiver in the au pair/host family relationship or in their relationship with their Local Coordinator.

Host Family and Au Pair Monthly Contacts

The U.S. Department of State requires all au pair agencies to have monthly contact with the au pairs they are sponsoring and the families that host them. While this is a requirement from the U.S. Department of State, it is also an important way Au Pair USA Local Coordinators build rapport and relationships with au pairs and host families..

“I love that as a Local Coordinator for InterExchange Au Pair USA I get to know all of my families and their au pairs,” says Jill DeMarco, Local Coordinator for Long Island’s North Shore. “I get to hear all the good (and the not so great) that goes on in their lives. They tell me all about sharing holidays and family events and the experiences they learn from each other.” 

Each month, your Local Coordinator will contact your family and au pair, first through a newsletter giving you up-to-date information, then through phone calls, emails and meetings. All these forms of communication are important ways to stay informed about what’s happening within the au pair and host family community locally and nationally, as well as a great way to stay connected with your Local Coordinator.

Your Local Coordinator’s Role

Your Local Coordinator is a key part of the support system for host  families and their au pairs during their time together. At InterExchange Au Pair USA, we want to make sure you are supported and helped throughout the experience, which is a huge benefit that you don’t find with all childcare options. 

“I feel, as the Local Coordinator, it is extremely important to learn about and connect with all the families and au pairs right away,” says DeMarco. “I want to get to know them so they feel confident that they can call on me if trouble arises. I let them all know that I am available for any questions or concerns at any time, not just our regular monthly contact. The more I know about each family and au pair, the easier it is for me to see how their family works and how to best help them work through any situation.” 

Host  families can rest assured that Local Coordinators are  available daily (not just during monthly contacts) and will get back in touch within 24 hours if they can’t be reached. There is also a 24/7 emergency line available to all host families and au pairs in the event they can’t reach their Local Coordinator and need assistance right away.

Local Coordinators also act as confidants. They’re there to listen and support both host families and au pairs and will keep conversations confidential if asked. It’s important to consider; however, that while the concerns you  confide in your Local Coordinator  may be small (or large), they will grow if you don’t talk to your au pair or host family about them. 

“I always encourage everyone to go back and talk to each other,” emphasizes DeMarco ‘Communicate, Communicate, Communicate!’ Our monthly contact should not be seen as a bother but as a building block for a great relationship.”

If you’re ready for personalized communication and support through a Local Coordinator during your childcare experience, an au pair may be the best choice for your family. Apply today for free and let Au Pair USA connect you with a seasoned Local Coordinator in your community. For over 35 years, Au Pair USA has been successfully matching and supporting host families and au pairs. We can’t wait to support you too!

Jill DeMarco

Jill is the InterExchange Au Pair USA Local Coordinator for the North Shore of Long Island.