Advice for Au Pairs

Fun and Creative Kids’ Indoor Activities for Au Pairs and Their Host Children

As an au pair, part of your job is having fun with your host children. Whether playing sports, playing the park, or singing your favorite songs, you’re never bored working with kids. When the weather isn’t cooperative, or you need a break from playing outside, you’ll need ideas for some kids’ indoor activities to keep your host children engaged.

Here are some of our favorite things to do inside with kids:

Play a board game!

Sometimes an old board game that hasn’t been played in a while can spark everyone’s interest. Most households have a stash of games to play indoors on a rainy day. Take one or two out and get excited for some healthy board game competition!

Au pair and host child playing a board game

Play The Floor is Lava!

One of the best games to play indoors on a rainy day! This is a creative way for kids to tap into their problem-solving techniques and burn some energy in the process. Use couch cushions, books, anything they can safely step on and create your own hot lava obstacle course.

Host children playing Floor is Lava with au pair

Create a laser maze!

Do you have some painter’s tape on hand? Create a “laser maze” in the hallway of your home and try to escape without getting zapped by the lasers!

Painters tape to use for au pair and host children laser maze activity

Make cloud dough!

Similar to playdough, but with a little less prep in the making, cloud dough is a fun activity to help with fine motor skills and creativity. Learn to make cloud dough with just two ingredients here.

Host child playing with cloud dough au pair made

Get crafty!

There’s no better time to enjoy being crafty than when you’re stuck indoors. If you’re out of craft ideas, check out Au Pair USA’s Indoor Activities Pinterest Board, complete with tons of fun activities for all ages.

Our personal favorites include:

Craft supplies for au pair and host children to use

Perform a concert or fashion show!

It can be so much for kids to dress up and tap into their imaginations. Get dressed up, put on your favorite songs, and don’t forget to record it for your host parents!

Host children having a concert with au pair

Make an indoor fort!

There’s nothing more fun than getting a good book and reading together in an indoor fort. Use couch cushions, blankets, and sheets, and don’t forget to invite your stuffed animals to the cozy party!

Building an indoor fort with their au pair

Cook or bake something!

Whether you introduce a new treat from your country or just add water to a premixed cupcake batter, cooking together can be a fun way for kids to learn about measurements and temperatures, and try new foods together.

Baking with au pair

Build something epic with Legos or blocks!

If you’ve got a fan of building things at home, indoor playtime can be a great way to spend hours together. Get creative by adding cars to your parking lot or action figures to your castle. Pretend play can easily go hand-in-hand with building!

Host children playing legos with au pair

Make a scrapbook!

Not only is this a fun way to pass time indoors, but your host children and you will create a lifelong memory book together that you’ll enjoy looking at for years to come. Use photos, magazine clippings, artwork created by the children (and you), tickets or receipts to events you’ve attended, and more!

Host child making scrapbook with au pair

Want more indoor activities for family and kids? Check out our Indoor Activities Pinterest Board. There, you’ll find even more creative games and activities for au pairs and children to enjoy their time together at home.

Marisa Lonic

Marisa is a lover of all things cultural exchange. She and her family have hosted au pairs from Brazil, Germany, Colombia, Spain, and Ecuador. As a mom of four and the founder of Mama Work It, she helps working moms juggle mom life, work life, spouse life, fill in the blank life through her books, courses and coaching programs.

